[R950 : page 2]


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New Buffalo, Mich.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I enclose $1.00 for four paper covered DAWNS. Will you please send me also a few copies of the WATCH TOWER. I thank God for the TOWER and especially the March number. I am so thankful for your explanation of the "no ransom theory." I have been taking the World's Hope nearly a year, and I know that it claims that the Second Death brings life and salvation to all. I am so glad now to be fully armed on this subject by the article "As the Serpent Beguiled Eve," in March TOWER.

The Emphatic Diaglott and cloth bound DAWN came promptly. May the Lord bless the work which I shall try to do. Oh! how I wish I might be one who would be consumed with the zeal of the Lord's house. Yours in the Work and Love of the Master. M. T. G__________.

McPherson Co. Kans.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:--As my TOWER did not come yet this month, I did not dare to wait for fear of missing it altogether, and that I should not like. I do not want to miss one number as long as I live. I am fifty-three years old, and I have learned more about the Bible and God's plan of salvation in the last three years, through the TOWER, than I did in all the fifty years before, though born, cradled, reared and educated in the Methodist church by a father who was a Methodist minister and whom I have many times assisted in his labor of love. How strange, how wondrous strange, this marvelous work of God's! We are lost in wonder, and have to accept the prophecy, that in the time of the end knowledge shall be increased, as the explanation. O how grand, how glorious, how full of hope is that increasing knowledge: how it proclaims with the sound of the trumpet, "God is love."

Yours waiting for The resurrection,

A. D__________.

[R950 : page 2]

BRO. ADAMSON writes:--I am having grand experiences every day. It seems impossible to get through New Castle. Yesterday took 46 names and left in afternoon train for home. In no other town have I got in so many books to the square, and I have excellent talks. Some careful thinkers are investigating, and awakened sleepers by the dozen. Of course there are bitter opposers, but as far as noted people are willing to investigate for themselves, and I have fruit already and expect much fruit. You may increase the order to here to 300 copies.

I find quite a number of people awake to present truth. The legions to compose the Elisha company are forming and Babylon is being less honored preparatory to its destruction.

Since April 15th (the time I began this canvass) I have sold fifteen hundred copies of MILL. DAWN, and the greater part are delivered; and counting at same rate I shall easily sell 500 more--or 2,000 in all, by July 15th--3 months' work.

DAWNS on hand, April 15th, . . . 70
" taken from Allegheny, Pa. . 80
" ordered to Greenville, " . 300
" " " Sharon, " . 200
" " " New Castle, " . 300
" " " Youngstown, O. . 500
Total:-- 1,450

Please ship now,
To Youngstown, O., 250
" Warren, O. . . 300
Total:-- 2,000

This is selling at the rate of 8,000 a year, but I think I will increase my sales after the cool weather sets in. I think I can see where I can improve my sales. But if I see I am to fall short of the number I expected to sell this year ending April 15, 1888, which is 10,000 copies, I shall hire the delivery part done by other parties. So you may depend on me for the sale of the 10,000 DAWNS in a year.

The "Lord of the Harvest" is greatly blessing DAWN, which greatly strengthens me, since my only desire is to be a co-worker with God in his way. My Father worketh hitherto (to this glorious end) and (now) I work (to this end).

In Christian love and kind remembrance, joined by Mrs. A., ever in Him.

J. B. A.

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Bro. A.'s last Postal Card, June 23d, says:--Took 60 subscribers yesterday and 20 to-day (9 A.M.). I think I am good for 100 subscriptions to-day.

Fayette Co. Pa., June 20th, 1887

MY DEAR FRIEND:--The DAWN was duly received. I have read it once and have begun it the second time. Before I tell you, what I think of the book, I would like to make a little confession. I had heard of the same views last winter, but could not believe it, and if you had mentioned the name of the book, I never would have sent for it; and if I had not promised I would not have read it anyhow; for in my ignorance I thought, if the Bible did not teach eternal torment for the wicked, it did not teach eternal happiness for the righteous. And so I read it carefully with my Bible to examine the references, praying if it was a work approved of God I might receive it, if not, that I reject it. And as I read, God showed me that it was the truth, and I could have cried for joy. I could not part with it. How I thank you, my dear friend. But for you I might never have seen it, or read it if I had. May God bless you in your effort to spread the glorious truth. I will do what I can with my one volume. At first I thought I could read it, but that I would never tell such doctrine as that to others, but praise the Lord it is a joy to tell it.

Yours truly, Mrs. E. H. B.

[The above reply came to a sister who had loaned DAWN to a thinking Christian.] [R950 : page 2]


EDITOR ZION'S WATCH TOWER. VERY DEAR SIR:--Enclosed find $1.00, my subscription for Z.W.T. and 50 cts. for the two "DAWNS" you so kindly sent me.

As to your teaching I cannot express myself now, for I am all torn up. I have quit preaching. My friends know not the cause. I cannot preach. I sometimes regret that I ever gave your teaching any notice. But some how I devour the contents of "Z.W.T." as soon as it comes, and now that I will have some leisure, I will review the DAWN. One thing I must say here: If the spirit of the Editor of the DAWN and Z.W.T. is not of Christ, then I know not the spirit of my Master.

Please let me have a few April TOWERS to loan to friends whom I think will study them. With an earnest desire for the truth of the Gospel of Christ in its beauty and simplicity, I remain your student and friend, J. J__________.

[We know your difficulty, dear Brother, and fully sympathize and so does our Master. It is indeed a severe trial, to come out boldly and acknowledge former errors and advocate the truth in the face of so much organized opposition as we find to day. The meekness of a little child is indeed requisite and the Lord brings the test just to this point as at His first advent. Others are not fit for the Kingdom. The trial falls most severely upon those who by reason of education, and time, and study are best able also to receive the truth; and this is but reasonable also. Surely the truth is sweet as honey to every saint who tastes, and the after bitter experiences as a test, were foretold, and should be expected from the first. (See Rev. 10:8-11.)

Receive the truth gladly, if you would have its full sweetness and strength.--EDITOR.]

Amboy, O.

DEAR SISTER IN CHRIST:--I have not been able to do much work for the Master, as my mother has been very feeble and needed all my attention. But my heart's desire to do has not diminished in the least. And I do know that God is blessing me more and more with a more perfect knowledge of the Scriptures, and with it a desire to tell it to others, which I do, wherever I can get "an ear to hear." I find that prejudice is a great hindrance to the reception of the truth, I think that if I am ever so situated as to get away from my own town, I could with the blessing of God, do better.

[Our Lord testified that a teacher is not without honor except among his own acquaintances. ED.]

My desire is, to see M. DAWN, in the hands of every thinking Christian, and not only them but every thinking person. For it is destined to work a great revolution; in the establishing of truth and the demolishing of error. My dear mother to all appearance cannot survive many months, and my work must be mostly to care for her now, but if I discharge that duty faithfully, our Father will give me something else to do. I try to keep the DAWNS preaching where I can find a hearer. I have a promise from the M.E. Minister that he will read it when he has sufficient leisure and I pray that God will open his eyes to see the beauty and harmony of his plan of salvation.

Send a few April Towers to circulate. God bless you in your labors.

Yours in Christ. MRS. F. E. R__________.
