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"He shall send his messengers with the great trumpet [Seventh Trumpet], and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."--Matt. 24:31. [Sinaitic and Syriac MSS. omit sound.

"Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice."-- Psa. 50:5.

Millennial Dawn Vol. I. both in cloth and paper covers has already sold very largely and every mail brings fresh orders and grateful acknowledgement of it as God's instrumentality of blessing and enlightenment. But some of the friends connected with the work and the Tract Fund declare that they want to see the volume in its Fiftieth Thousand by January '88, believing that that number of such preachers and teachers would do a great work in forwarding the truth, blessing God's children and honoring their Father and Lord. To accomplish so desirable a result, it is proposed to reduce the paper bound 50 cent edition to one-half its present price, and make it hereafter 25 cts. per copy for any quantity-- one copy or a thousand copies, postage prepaid by us.

Surely at that price even a child who could show the book should be able to sell numbers of them wherever thinking people are to be found, particularly thinking Christians. If you have read it carefully yourself, ask yourself how many you can place in the hands of readers, and get to work at once. The harvest truly is great and the laborers are few. Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth more laborers, and if you are not one of them, pray that He will accept of your service granting you the great privilege of being a co-worker with him in filling the earth with the knowledge of his glorious character and plan--a service which angels would fain be engaged in. If you are in earnest in your prayer, believe that you have the privilege you ask, and go forward. The way will open before you.

Another matter--We remember that some who are willing and anxious to serve the truth, are so circumstanced that they must derive some income from their time, to support themselves. Such could make no profit in buying the book at 25 cts. if they sold it at the same. This matter has been arranged for thus: Out of the Tract Fund, an allowance of 10 cts. per copy will be made for expense money to any canvasser. Such, in ordering should state the matter clearly thus: "Please send me ten copies of Dawn Vol. I. paper covers, price $2.50 less "expense money" allowance 10 cents each. I enclose $1.50." Or reckon it and state it in the same manner whatever the quantity ordered.

The supply of FOOD being exhausted for the present, will enable those who have been using the "packets" to give their attention to "DAWN." A plan has been suggested by which each one can make a thorough canvass of his own and neighboring towns. We have prepared circulars which give the Table of Contents, and Kind words of Commendation, to which we have affixed a small slip which calls attention to the book, states the price, and [R908 : page 1] tells the reader that an agent will call to show him the DAWN and to take his order for it. These circulars can be sent out by the hand of trusty boys or girls, whom you can employ. And if you cannot visit all your neighbors yourself to show the book and take their orders, these same boys or girls could do it. [Girls would generally succeed best.] You could pay them a commission out of each day's sales--so much on each copy disposed of. Let them so far as possible collect the circulars as they show the book, so that the same may do to use again and again, until too much soiled. Of course you can do better yourself than boys or girls could do, but all cannot give so much time.

Now what think you, can we not thus bring the thinking people of every city and town in contact with the light of the Millennial Dawn? The joy, quickening and comfort which it will bring to one truly receptive heart, should you with much effort reach but one, would more than repay you, even aside from the joy it will give you to be a co-worker with God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

The fact that you have canvassed your town with the "Packets" will be no hindrance, but rather an aid to the work now suggested. Your conversation and their examination of FOOD awakened an interest or at least a curiosity which passing events have not permitted to die out, and they are now more ready than ever for Millennial Dawn--The Plan of the Ages. Harp [the Word of God] in hand, strike up the Song of Moses and the Lamb.

"Wake the song of Jubilee;
Let it echo o'er the sea."
