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Father Time has tolled off another year for you--a year of living, loving, sacrificial service for our Father and the brethren. How we wish we could show forth our appreciation for that service! Our Father has certainly blessed us through you. And at this time--when many who once walked with us, no longer walk with us, but vilify and persecute and misrepresent your teachings--we are especially grateful to our Heavenly Father because we still have a hearing ear and can still see more wondrous beauty in the Divine Plan, as shown us through his own appointed channel.

In closing I desire to mention the Vow. When first you suggested it I resented it. One clause (which one I will not say) stood out before me in all prominence. At that time it was all that I saw in it; and, frankly, I opposed it and told myself and others also that I did not need it. Some months later, while in another city, I was walking along the street with a brother from a distant city and our conversation turned toward the Vow. Well, that night I made the Vow my own, and since then I find that above all things I needed most that particular clause that I objected to so strenuously. I thank God for the Vow. I desire an interest in your prayers to the end that I may be better able to keep it.

And now, dear Brother, as you have entered into another year of service, may the Lord bless your efforts; may he give you grace abundant for every time of need; may he give you much joy; may he strengthen you and keep you faithful unto the end, and finally may you be among those whom he is pleased to call "more than conquerors" in and through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Your brother only by his grace, H. W. MCALLISTER.



I find your letter of the 13th ultimo awaiting me on my return from the Convention trip, and take this opportunity to reply.

Your kind words of love and fellowship in our dear Redeemer are very especially appreciated and reciprocated. The confidence and co-operation of all the fellow-members in the Body is a very valued aid to me.

I rejoice with you that the Lord graciously delivered you from any entanglement of thought in opposing the Vow, and that having made it to the Lord and acknowledged it in the presence of all his people you have found especial blessing therein. With the Psalmist we can say, "For thou, O God, hast heard my Vow; thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name."

Very sincerely your brother and fellow-servant.



I found a copy of your PEOPLES PULPIT on my porch and am much interested in it. Enclosed find twelve cents, for which please send me the publication for one year. Also will you kindly send me sample copies containing the sermons, "Thieves in Paradise," "The Rich Man in Hell," and "Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom." These you say are free.

Yours truly, FRED S. LACKEY--N.J.



I am requested to inform you of the number who memorialized at this place the death of our dear Lord.

I wish to tell you what a blessed time we had. I believe it was because we had all been praying for the presence of the Master. In the afternoon we had a prayer, praise and testimony meeting. The evening meeting commenced with a song service. As we looked at the faces of the dear friends we could see joy mingled with sorrow. We tried in our weak way to show the oneness of our Lord and his Church. Then Brother Durant addressed us on the Bread and Brother Jackson on the Cup. I think I can speak for all the friends when I say that we deem it an unspeakable privilege to be counted worthy to drink of his Cup, and by and by to share his glory.

We all pray for you, dear Brother, that the richest blessing of God may continue with you unto the end.

Yours in the One blessed Hope,




I found one of the copies of PEOPLES PULPIT on a car one night on my way home and was so much impressed that I thought it wise to subscribe for it. Enclosed find 12 cents for one year, and send me the following sermons, "Gathering the Lord's Jewels," "The Most Precious Text," "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty," "Sin's Small Beginnings," "Sin Atonement," "The Value of Toil," "Foreordination, Predestination and Election," "The Rich Man in Hell," "Where Are the Dead?" "Thieves in Paradise."

A Brother in Christ, ROBT. COOPER.--Ill.



I have been thinking for some time that I would write to you and tell you how much I appreciate "Present Truth." I have been in the Truth two years, through the volunteer work of some of the brethren; chiefly Brother Seth Moore of this town.

I had been a Baptist for twenty years and had been ordained to the ministry of that Church. I withdrew from that denomination eight years ago, and began a prayerful search for the Church of Christ. God answered my prayer, and now I love my God, my Saviour and my Bible better than I ever did before, and I have felt more real satisfaction and joy in two years than in all my past life put together.

It was some time before I could get my own consent to send my name as one having taken the "Vow," but that "Vow" contains the sentiments of my heart, and may God help me to keep it!

I am praying for the good work at Brooklyn and all [R4661 : page 255] over the world. Find enclosed 50 cts. for which please send me ten copies of "The Plan of the Ages," WATCH TOWER form. I want to do a little volunteer work myself. With much love, I am,

Your Brother in Christ, J. W. WILSON.--Texas.



Realizing that I owe you many thanks, and out of a motive of love to you, I will give you a little of my testimony. I have been a peculiar fellow--first, a Lutheran, [R4662 : page 255] then an Infidel and the last thing an Evolutionist; but now, thanks to the Lord and you and Brother Senger, I am a Christian and am rejoicing in the Truth.

Praying for you, dear Brother, that our heavenly Father will continue his care over you, I am

Yours in Christ to the Glory of God, E. SNYDER.



We were very much interested in the copy of the PEOPLES PULPIT, which was delivered at our door, and would like to have the issues which contained "Where Are the Dead?" and "The Rich Man in Hell," as these are subjects of great importance to us and our friends.

Wishing you success in your undertaking, I remain

Respectfully, J. A. SLOCUM,--N.Y.