

Here we bring this brief booklet to a close. It is our prayer that it will open for many readers a door to fruitful study, appreciation, and application of the "mysteries" of Revelation.

Many things have been left unexplained. It needed to be thus. It was not intended that this be an exhaustive explanation. A skeleton for study has, however, here been provided so that the parts of Revelation not herein treated can be approached with a Scriptural logic and an historical basis. The interpretation of the smaller parts is not so difficult if they can be viewed consistently with the large picture.

Should the student desire to study the so-called "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" (6:2-8), it should now be helpful to know that these are part of the seven seals. Thus the first horse should have historical evidences found between the years 33 and 100, the second among 100 and 313, etc. Horses are symbols of doctrine. The changes of color show the deterioration of doctrine. First it was white — pure. As the tares multiplied, it became red colored with the sin of harlotry. Next it turned to black the beginning of the Dark Ages, in which truth in doctrine was nearly obscured. Lastly it was "pale" — dead, drained of all life during the constant ascendancy of the Roman counterfeit church. History will confirm the symbols.

Thus the wild, imaginative language of Revelation becomes a rational (though colorful) symbolic treatise on the history of the Christian age. Revelation becomes a book which the sincere and faithful Christian can honor. It can be defended before agnostic questioners who previously have heard only unrealistic and absurd interpretations guaranteed to bolster their agnosticism.

Following is an appendix which is a glossary of symbols and their suggested meanings for your further study and consideration. May God bless you in your search. Revelation 1:3

Previous Chapter View Glossary - Appendix A